Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dare I do it??

Dare I? Dare I say things are finally going well with the potty training? Well, I think they are. Dear precious little Hammie has been going on the potty today with only one mild fit while sitting on it (earlier this morning). He has had an accident today BUT the last 2 times he has initiated it AND got his undies off AND sat on the potty AND I only had to read 1 book before he started to go. Now, I am not naive enough to call him trained, but I am naive enough to say he is getting it--though there has been no poop (he is regular, early in the morning before I see the light of day)!!! He likes it when his undies are "bry" and doesn't like putting the wet ones back on. It took him a little longer than the girls but he walked later, talked later and got his brain later too.
So, I did it. I said that he is getting it. I jinxed myself. Let the pee raining down his legs begin...


I will now take this opportunity to publicly (world-wide baby) shout from the blog-tops a HUGE thanks to Miguelita (through Misha) for the book(s). Hammie is doing well AND Sweet Pea slept last night from 9:30PM until I woke her up at 8AM (she has been going from around 10/10:30-7 the last couple of weeks). My life is manageable all because of the potty book and Babywise!!! And, she isn't even a thumb-sucker...sweet pea

Yes Mom, she is sucking 2 fingers. No Mom, I don't think this is better than her sucking her thumb. No Mom, I don't know why she is sucking her 2 middle fingers. Yes Mom, I think she will probably, eventually, become a thumb-sucker.

2 people are laughing with me:

Jessica Gordon said...

I hate you! I can't believe you now have only one in diapers and can sleep at night! I know, its my own fault that I can't sleep at night...

The Wades said...

ah shucks! thanks for the shout out! they really are two of the best books! i cannot imagine child rearing w/out them! i'm so glad you use them! :)