Tonight was pumpkin carving night. We use pictures found on the internet (Tug found this years) but they aren't actual pumpkin pictures so we still have to figure out how to transfer it to a pumpkin. I did the one on the left, Tug did one on right. He doesn't like his finished product. I think it is pretty good. We carved a dove into each as well so both pictures are of one pumpkin (well, two but each has 2 pictures). While doing it Tug said, "I do this for me, not for the kids!" They helped get the guts out then hung out by the computer dancing to music and periodically checking in. 
Since Tug is slightly dissappointed in his I am also including a picture of last years pumpkin. He was proud of this one. The picture isn't the best but it really was a good carving. 
5 people are laughing with me:
Wow! Beautiful carvings!! James just finished his and went to bed, only 3 hours past bedtime :) Sean is still working on his... It's very, um.. interesting...
Why is tug not happy with his anyways? He is really talented at pumpkin carving!
oops! just noticed I was commenting as Sean!
I love seeing what pictures you put on the pumpkins, Tug you are AWSOME at it. You to Reg.
show offs!!!
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