Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Past Time

Since picking up the hooks (crochet), I have been eager to pick up the needles (knit). There seems to be more online pertaining to knitting, you can find a ton of awesome patterns for really cute things, and I like the look of knitted things. With the Christmas hat rush at an end I bought myself a teach yourself to knit kit at the store and have been diligently learning. Perhaps too diligent. Tug rolls his eyes every time he sees me with the yarn. One night, after an eye roll, I yelled "Don't roll your eyes at me! You are just mad because you don't have any talents!". Neither one of us made it 2 seconds without laughing hysterically.
Here is my current project. The yarn color made me think of a certain someone so I am giving a scarf a go.

As for now, I plan to continue to crochet hats-knitting them looks WAY too hard. Speaking of crochet hats, I am still waiting on pictures from you guys (nee, erin & chendo) so I can upload to blogville!! SEND IMMEDIATELY

2 people are laughing with me:

Barbara said...

If you haven't yet found -- check it out. They have some great videos. I taught myself to knit through them. Good luck. I'll look forward to seeing your stuff!

Auntie Nee said...

Sure I will send pics as soon as you send me some of the kids in the blankets