Came across wordle through the blogosphere. Pretty rad. You can have them say whatever you want but I entered my blog address and got thisSome words are hard to see* and you would think all I do is talk about politics. The first one I did had way too many words so I lowered the amount of words and it removed suck which sucks. I wonder if I do it now, do you think suck will reappear? Let's try...Aw, they suck because there was no suck. Suck, suck, suck, SUCK. Let's try dice.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wordle cooldle
Making myself laugh at 11:33 PM 4 people are laughing with me
Free at last
Tug had his Dr. appt today and whoo hoo...he is down to this
Making myself laugh at 8:27 PM 4 people are laughing with me
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Family Service Announcement
FYI to our family...I am going to try and go the exclusively handmade route this year for Christmas. I am letting you know so you take that into consideration when you get us something. Our giving gifts will probably suck so make sure our receiving gifts aren't that great :)
Making myself laugh at 11:01 AM 4 people are laughing with me
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Debate
Any of you able to make it all the way through it? I watched about 30 minutes or so before Tug's head nearly exploded so we changed it. I wonder though, for those who made it through, did Obama ever call McCain anything other than John (aside from the time he called him Tom, or the time he called him Jim but covered it by then saying John again as if he was first addressing the moderator)? McCain referred to him as Senator Obama, Obama kept saying John. Barack, did your mom not teach you any manners? Show some sort of respect to your peer, to a man who served this great country you want to change, ruin, lead, at the very least show some respect to your elder (you know the one you think is facing imminent death, placing Palin one struggling heartbeat away from the Presidency).
Making myself laugh at 7:58 PM 10 people are laughing with me
Pink Eye
Any of you know a natural remedy for pink eye? No, I am not turning into a hippie-we haven't established ourselves with a doctor yet and I really don't feel like going to urgent care for {l}'s eye so if you have a tried and true method, please share!
Making myself laugh at 8:25 AM 10 people are laughing with me
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Baby leggings
It's a hybrid really, sort of baby leggings, sort of leg warmers. There isn't a waist area (making it a breeze for diaper changes), but they go up the entire leg, not just the calf (helping keep baby warm). The tutorial called for tube socks and I wasn't quite sure what those were. I ended up buying a package of regular cute socks and one pair of knee-high socks. The regular socks ended up too short, but might be perfect for newbornish age. The knee-highs worked well for {s} who is 14 months.
Making myself laugh at 10:33 PM 6 people are laughing with me
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Here to check in for WoW? Well, good for you. I went to weigh myself this morning only to find my scale not working—I think it needs a battery. Can you say Divine intervention? Feel free to leave your update, I will update again tomorrow once I have a new battery.
Making myself laugh at 10:39 AM 16 people are laughing with me
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lyrical Geniuses
My sister won an ipod shuffle from her work earlier this year and she gave it to the girls. Later she won another so she gave that to the girls as well. {j} doesn't have his own ipod, but it appears he has taken over one of them.
Deep in thought, perhaps concentrating on lyrics?
*'his' song varies by the day/hour
Making myself laugh at 7:44 PM 7 people are laughing with me
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Can you splain this?
Calling all smart people, I need some help. As I understand it our government does not make money. Well, they can make money as in print it, but they don't make money as in they are not a business. So, how in the world can a government who is not in the business of making money buy companies? PLEASE explain this...I am not asking rhetorically! Also, explain exactly what is going on. Why are we bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and AIG (and what are those companies exactly?) And where exactly is this money coming from? Don't we have a national deficit? Does the government have some sort of nest egg in their sock drawer?
Making myself laugh at 10:03 PM 20 people are laughing with me
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
WoW-paging mr linky
AH, I can't find Mr. Linky-what gives. I tried to go to the site but it says it can't be found. Guess we will have to go old school this week...just leave comments.
Making myself laugh at 9:11 AM 5 people are laughing with me
Labels: WoW
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
For Tug
Again my own design (obviously) for the one I love.
Making myself laugh at 10:10 PM 7 people are laughing with me
Woo hoo
How do you like it? I made this here blog template thingamagigy myself!! Can you believe it? I am so excited to have figured this out. There is still some color tweaking to do but, seeing as how I have been at the computer all day, my butt hurts and I need to make some dinner.
Making myself laugh at 4:49 PM 10 people are laughing with me
Monday, September 15, 2008
The things they say
On the way home from Mass:
Making myself laugh at 10:48 PM 3 people are laughing with me
Saturday, September 13, 2008
As I said before, I couldn't find any Buckeye fabric when we went to the store a few weeks ago but I did find some plaid flannel that was basically Buckeye colors. The girls requested a nightgown so I used a pattern I already had. It is pretty heavy and {r} squealed "It's cozy!"
Making myself laugh at 10:28 AM 13 people are laughing with me
Labels: sew
Friday, September 12, 2008
Prayers Please
I am going to hell. No, that is not why I want your prayers. I've come to terms with it...really hoping for that Purgatory option. Anyway, remember me asking for prayers for my brother-in-law due to his silly heart and brain? Well, you can stop. Wait, not stop per se just switch to something else for a day then go back to him (cuz he will still be needing them, surgery coming sometime soon). Could you just maybe, I mean would you be willing to, or if you are praying anyway throw a little one in just until late tomorrow night-pray that the Buckeyes beat USC? Yeah, I just solicited prayers for college football-what of it? Remember my opening statement...what do I have to lose? And besides, Tug needs the Buckeyes to win for his own heart (and a blow-out would really help his blood pressure).
Making myself laugh at 10:20 AM 9 people are laughing with me
Thursday, September 11, 2008
So I can remember
{s} does this awesomely cute, amazingly ugly thing where if you sniff she will try and suck all the air in the world up her nose while crinkling her entire face. Erica got a pretty good picture of it on her first birthday
Making myself laugh at 10:09 AM 6 people are laughing with me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
This week was an experimental one, I did it for the benefit of you. Last week I was rather successful eating 'right' and exercising. This week I thought 'Hmm, what if I still exercise but eat whatever I want?' The experiment was very in depth, very scientific-I took no notes and just know that I ate A LOT and drank A LOT of Dr Pepper. In my defense, I was quite starving from the week before. Wait. I don't need a defense, it was an experiment remember. I was the sacrificial lamb...I ruined myself for the greater good. Now you know-you canNOT eat anything you want if you are trying to lose weight by reasoning that you are working out so it is ok. Thanks not needed ;)
Making myself laugh at 8:39 AM 7 people are laughing with me
Labels: WoW
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Big city livin
I am making a concerted effort to get the kids out of the house more. In Oregon we didn't do much, and there wasn't much to do since we were in a small town. Here we are close to two big cities and are trying to actually get something out of it. Last Thursday I decided we should go to the Farmer's Market. Looking online I saw that there was a parking garage where you could park for free then take the rail (also free) to the Market. I had never used any sort of public transportation, nor have the kids so we gave it a go.
Here comes our ride
The kids were really excited, especially once they saw you can stand up while it is moving
And here is {s} enjoying some blueberries
The rail only goes about a mile total and there are about 5 stops along the way. On our way back from the Market, I looked out the window and saw the water at one of the stops so we decided to hop off and take a look around. Here the kids are on a bridge that takes you over the freeway to some museums.
Overall a great time was had...and we came home with cupcakes and kettle popcorn (oh yeah and a small amount of blueberries)-isn't that what everyone gets at the Farmer's Market?
Today I think we will finally make the trip North to Ikea!!
Making myself laugh at 9:53 AM 12 people are laughing with me
Monday, September 8, 2008
Economic Justice
Whoa, scary stuff!
Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
Making myself laugh at 10:16 PM 0 people are laughing with me
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Like the corners of my mind
Jessica had this up on her blog and by leaving her a memory comment I then became play along (even if you don't want to post it on your own blog).
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. (If you don't have a blog, or don't want to post, please comment anyway!)
Making myself laugh at 9:28 PM 12 people are laughing with me
Friday, September 5, 2008
21-schmunty one
for the record, the bottle was empty-despite the look of picture 2
Making myself laugh at 5:10 PM 7 people are laughing with me
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Spilled beans
So Michelle has finally spilled the beans and now I can tell you just who you have been praying for. Quick synopsis is my brother-in-law (Tug's sister's husband) found out last Thursday that he has some sort of brain issue. That up there is a picture of his brain. That dark area on the upper right shouldn't be there. It might be no big deal, it might be a huge deal. We are praying for the no big deal variety. Unfortunately yesterday they found out he also has a heart issue (an issue he has had since birth and they have known about) that has gotten substantially worse. So, in his future is possible open-heart surgery (very likely) and brain surgery (unsure).
Making myself laugh at 5:25 PM 2 people are laughing with me
Release the hounds
Wow, did you watch Sarah Palin last night? Yowzah, she had some real zingers in there. It really made Tug and I laugh, but I am wondering if all of them were truly necessary. LOVED the 'here's a man who has written two memoirs but not one important piece of legislation'. True dat!! One thing I don't get is the media's focus on 'Is she qualified or ready to be the President'. Are you serious folks? If I hear this one more time I think I am going to explode. HELLO, this woman is running for VP, not President. Yes, that puts her a heart beat away from the you recall who the Democrats are asking you to put in the White House, not as the VP but as the President himself. Not only does Obama have NO executive experience (zip, zero, nada-as said last night, he has never even run a business) but he also has little national experience. The media truly do think we are idiots who can't think and discern things for ourselves, and they must think we are too foolish to recognize their bias and hypocrisy. (update, looks like scbarb is noticing the same, she also has a link to video of Palin's speech)
Making myself laugh at 8:24 AM 8 people are laughing with me
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
WoW-what week is this anyway?
So this week was a decent one. I decided to sort of start Weight Watchers. I say sort of because I haven't actually enrolled. A long time ago a friend who had previously done WW gave me her old points counter so I looked online and saw what my points should be and am trying to stick to it. I don't know exactly what my points should be since different sites said different numbers and I don't know the real rules (I think if you exercise you get to get more points but I am not adding them back in). I did decide though that for my sanity I would have one free night per week, provided I exercised and ate well the rest of the week. I was just going to do a free meal but thought better of it. I also have some WW dessert thingys that I am eating basically every night, regardless of my points total ;) I do need to increase my water intake.
Making myself laugh at 8:24 AM 4 people are laughing with me
Labels: WoW
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Since Shelly Asked
And since I have nothing else to talk about...
Via email, Shelly asked "Can you explain your ohio craziness? I think people from ohio are the only fans – you break the mold." That's right baby, I break the mold. It all started long ago when a little Mexican gal met some White dude from Ohio while both were in the Navy. They got married and blah, blah, blah to the important part-I was born. Well, that White dude raised us (until I was about 8) as lovers of the great state of OHIO though we lived far away in El Paso, TX...I was (am) a Browns fan, an Indians fan and a Buckeye fan and most of my family (on my dad's side) still live in OH. Lo and behold I found a fellow Browns, Indians and Buckeye fan while in college at New Mexico State University. Tug's mom is from Mansfield, OH and his dad is from Ashland, OH so he too was raised an OHIO fan, though he was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. Actually the first night we kissed (we had known each other for about a year prior) I had on an Indian's hat and he said I looked like Omar Vizquel...I think he thought that was a compliment, I didn't. Anyhoo, we are now raising our kids right-as fellow Buckeye lovers (of all the teams, we only truly follow them) and they certainly know how to chant "Oh, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan".
Making myself laugh at 8:19 AM 6 people are laughing with me
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Birthday
We are so sad that we don't get to spend the day with you, especially since it is the HUGE SIX-O but
Making myself laugh at 12:32 PM 2 people are laughing with me