Here are the leg warmers I have been working on for the girls. When they go to gymnastics they rarely wear anything over their shorts, and the shorts are little more than just a bit more material over a leotard. While it isn't Midwest freezing here, it does get a tad bit nippy, so I decided they could use some leg warmers. They totally dig them.

The end ones are just basic tubes with buttons on top, no pattern. The middle pattern can be found here (rav link).
But, those aren't the only below the knee warmers I have been working on. I don't want to give too much away now, but I can say they are crochet. Boy has it been a long time since I crocheted!!

8 people are laughing with me:
Very cute!
Those are great! Can't wait to see what you are crocheting.
i don't wanna wait... for this i'll turn into a big blueberry!!!
You are so talented!
you ROCK.
those are the awesomest leg warmies ever.
i can't decide which ones i like best.
my girl has been wanting some, i might just have to check out that ravelry link since i think i can understand a simple pattern now....although i always forget my password.
what is that last picture of?
it is really freakin' me out.
Those are cute. are your models your 3 girls or your 2 oldest and another girl. i am really confused. I am guessing the bottom pic is of baby shoes??
Is that your picture? Those look so stinking cute. What a talent you are, Regina.
You ROCK. Those are so neat!!
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