Thursday, November 13, 2008

You Are Scrabble
You are incredibly clever and witty. You can talk your way out of (and into) situations easily.
You are an excellent decision maker. You are good at weighing the options in front of you.
You're the type of person who can make something out of nothing. You are very resourceful.
You know a lot of things. Most importantly, you know when people are wrong - even when they won't admit it.
What Board Game Are You?

Hey Tug (and the rest of my family), pay special attention to that last line!!

9 people are laughing with me:

elm said...

I am "boggle"!! Thanks - that was fun!

Amy said...

You kick butt at word challenge too... hmmmm

Auntie Nee said...

I am checkers. and whatever on the last line. you wish

Jessica Gordon said...

So you are a good decision maker, EXCEPT when it comes to deciding where to eat ;)

I say it is a pretty accurate description! I will have to head over and take this one :)

Jessica Gordon said...

I guess I am chinese checkers and ruthless?!?

What do you think?

Aubrey said...

I am Chess. I'll have to post that soon. Fun quiz!

Shelly said...

so have you been playin' scrabble or what???

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I'm boggle too. I can't read yer dang blog because the words and the background blend too much. I like chocolate as much as the next guy but sheesh.

Salve, sancta parens! said...

But you absolutely suck at bowling.