confession: I let my kids listen to the same music I listen to.
confession: I don't listen to the most kid appropriate music.
confession: My kids have taken after their parents and can pick up lyrics rather quickly.
confession: My kids don't always sing kid appropriate songs (though, when I hear them singing something inappropriate I tell them not to sing that song. they usually don't understand the meaning of the lyrics, to them it is still just words - and they don't sing any bad words if that makes it any better.)
{j} likes hip hop music. He LOVES Heartless and LOVES to dance. He has now started doing this 'cool' robot dance, mostly I just love his face when he is doing it. {s} also likes to dance. If you just say hip hop she starts flailing on the floor like her brother (she is not in the video).
10 people are laughing with me:
Too funny! I would have to make the same confession. I know you will especially appreciate that last football season we had to correct our two year old and have her sing "we don't give a DARN for the whole state of Michigan." Recently I heard my oldest singing Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. Somehow it just seemed wrong to hear it from an 8 year old :)
Oh, and I've always listened to music my kids probably shouldn't have listened to . . . but also, I don't feel bad about it 'cos they are well rounded: Sinatra, big band, classical, rock, classic rock, all of it . . . and now Hawaiian.
wow - what a cutie!
Little boys are so funny!
its the mexican part that gives him rhythm. Wait till I show him how to dance cumbias, mambos and corridas. Remember what I used to tell people in the Navy about my mom -- maybe it was true.
Hilarious! My kids LOVE LOVE the Boom Boom Pow song. If it comes on while we are driving down the street, the ask for me to turn up the bass. No objectionable lyrics. (there are 2 versions).
cute. cute. and i can totally relate.
a mother whose youngest son (the sucker punch liar one) can quite often be heard singing (with a lisp, nevertheless)...
"when i was just a baby, my mama told me son, always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns. but i shot a man in reno. JUST TO WATCH HIM DIE."
hope that makes you feel better.
eternal rest grant unto johnny cash, O Lord....
Confession: I think we parent in much the same fashion.
Confession: Hip hop is crap but holysmokes that kid of yours is cute.
Ice, Ice Baby!!
I cannot believe the rhythm that cutie pie has! Unbelievable. His little head shaking around--can't believe it. He is way too cool for his hick relatives in NM.
So cute!
That was awsome. I needed that to wake me up this morning.
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