the girls' last swim meet (possibly, might be one more) was this past weekend.
and nothing says swim meet at the end of july like a blanket.
it was cold.i digress. {r} worked up the nerve to go off the blocks.
she pretty much went straight down though so there was a lot of underwater swimming just to try and resurface.
based on her age she should only be swimming 25 meters, but she likes to swim up a level to do 50s. on saturday she threw in her version of a flip turn. tug and i had a good laugh about that.
she is now saying she wants to drop gymnastics to try and be on the swim team at the Y.
and she wants to do tennis.
and dance.
and soccer.
and. . .
here's {j}.

so what if i coaxed her.
coaxed means bribed.
all it took was telling her they could pick up food for lunch (ie: fast food) and she could get a movie to put on to her ipod. oh, and all it really took was a fellow friend saying she'd go off the blocks if {l} did.
that friend is the one still sitting on the blocks while {l} is already diving in, catlike reactions that one. the other girl still beat her in the actual swim.
6 people are laughing with me:
SO CUTE!!! Love the pics. I am liking this post per day thing, keep it up
fun times!! Good for the girls trying out swimming....a skill that will never be wasted that's for sure!! And yes, it's nice to hear from you again :0)
It is a comeback!! I am trying to make one of my own... summertime is hard for blogging, eh? I am thinking that those mama's who send their kids to school and blog everyday and take teh whole summer off from blogging... hmmmmm - too much work to blog when the kids are about, eh? Should I take a cue from them and call my blog a "now and then" kind of blog?!?! Anyway - struggling to make a comeback on mine and setting a goal to have a routine! I've heard routines are good... we'll see!
I enjoyed seeing the pixs. Made my day - good way to start friday off. Chicharone? Pork Skin? Is that the only word you could come up with? Muchas gracias.
I LOVE LOVE these pics! What a bunch of cuties. And what a fun summer - it seems like one of those classic all-American summers they'll remember forever. Especially the hip hop. ;) Go YMCA!
It looks like C has the same eyes as R. ?? Cute, cute, cute!
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