Seriously Jam, seriously?? Cecilia Marie Halpert?
Guess it is back to the drawing board for girl names for us! Though Marie and Halpert were never truly in the running. But why did you have to go with Cecilia?
You're breaking my heart!
Seriously Jam, seriously?? Cecilia Marie Halpert?
Making myself laugh
10:35 PM
10 people are laughing with me:
I thought of both you and Laura when they named her, because I knew you were both thinking of that name. Frankly, I was surprised they went with that name!
At least it wasn't Michael.
OH NO! Did they take your name?! It was a pretty cute episode, though. :) What other names are you thinking about? I'm so far away.... you can tell me. :)
You can still do it! It's so cute. What else is on your list?
Me gusta el nombre. Que tiene que ver que alguen en la television lo tiene. Hay muchas Sarah's y Lauren tambien.
I LOVE the name Cecelia! And, I didn't see the episode yet, but I was suspecting girl!
And, love the name, did I mention that?
Use the name anyway. it's gorgeous and sweet! My dearest friend's daughter has that name. It's lovely.
I love Cecilia too, but was thinking about something else at this point. But I feel your pain, lol.
Yup, that one was WAY ahead in the running until we found Evangeline. I'll have to wait for number 9 for Cecilia (because you KNOW number 8 will be a boy!). I thought it was sweet that they named her that. I also died laughing when she nursed the wrong baby. Do hospitals have more than one person per room for OB anymore? I've never seen that around here.
Still haven't watched that episode, but Renee let it slip about the Cecelia. I think it's cute. Go for it!!
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