Wow, how boring am I?! Been awhile, huh? Things in the new house are going fine. That darn neighbor girl still rings the bell pretty much every day. I usually send her away, then she comes back. I am trying to limit her to playing only between 4 and 4:45. The girls have activities in the evening so it is easy to say, "Time for you to go, we have things to get ready for." She only comes over to jump on our trampoline (apparently she has been banned from another neighbor's trampoline for breaking the net or something). Her brother and some of his neighborhood friends ding-door-ditched us yesterday. Tug happened to be pulling back into the driveway at a great time and caught them. I am thinking having old people for neighbors wasn't so bad after all. They certainly don't ding door ditch you (though that would be hilarious!).
change 2: I actually did get a job doing the typing thing. It isn't medical transcription. It is working for a company that contracts out with most of the railroad companies when there are claims. They record what is said in the meeting, then I have to type it out. It is actually quite nice because the one thing I didn't really like about medical transcription was the medical part :) So far it has been about 2 weeks and the work is steady (though I get to just pick how much I want to work each day). I'll let you know if I actually get paid. It won't be much, but a couple hundred dollars a month extra would be nice.
change 3: We had to get a new washing machine. Ugh. That's all I have to say about that.
change 4: We have new friends. At the gymnastics competition I met one of {l}'s teammate's mom and she lives very close to us now. They came over last night for burgers and just to hang out. Next time we will teach them Euchre and Settlers of Catan. We are planning a mom's night out. A REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS MOM'S NIGHT OUT. I can't wait, it has been a LONG time! Now go away Erin (friend's name, not you my sister-in-law).
Now for some pictures because my mom is having anxiety attacks. . .
{l} on beam, this is a picture from the video so it is poor quality.

{s} caught with something in her mouth she shouldn't have been eating.

And after I made her spit it out.
What the girls were doing in their room with their friends last night. Apparently Bendaroos stick to the wall.
8 people are laughing with me:
And the winner is. . . YOU for writing a new post! :) It was a good one at that.
New friends--fun. Excited to hear about them. Euchre and Catan, does it get any better?
Fun about the job. I wouldn't like the medical part either. Those words they have to type are terrible.
Cute S.
Glad to know you are still alive. I'm guessing you are still preggers.
Reginaaaaaaaa? Dingdongdingdongdingdong
Can you come out and playyyyyy?????
I need a perk-me-up for my blog. It will be easy-peasy, I swear. It looks too depressing right now. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! there? YOU HOME?????!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE the girl's art wall. I hope those things don't leave greasy stains. You rent house trashers you.
oh such a mean mommy ;)
nice to know you're still 'round. i was beginning to wonder.
looks like bendaroos are a hit! i was *this* close to getting those for Christmas. keep little hands busy during school.
You are so NOT boring.... but i have been missing you. I LOVE that Tug busted the boys! Too cool!
So sorry about the girls' room - so that's what they were doing upstairs! I am so glad we can be friends... even if you don't like chocolate as much as I do. And I think you're funny.:)
Thanks for the fun post! Loved the Northwestern shirt on the little cutie pie.
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