Yesterday we headed up to Portland—we went to The Grotto and took Renee to the airport today. If you are ever in PDX, I highly recommend visiting!
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Grotto
Making myself laugh
8:39 PM
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
Unimportant news
So first there was the great unifier who has a wack-job as a spiritual director and now there is Mrs. gonna-save-all-our-homes-from-foreclosure who has a campaign manager that serves on the board of a corrupt lender.
Making myself laugh
11:03 PM
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Friday, March 28, 2008
Where to begin
My internet has not been working today. This happens on occasion when Charter is doing work in the neighborhood and I figured today was one of those days, especially since I saw a Charter truck being pulled out of a ditch in our area just yesterday. I couldn't take it any longer so I called Charter about an hour ago to see what was up. Turns out our service was disconnected because the payment I made was returned from the bank for insufficient funds. WHAT?? I always have some 'float' money in the account because the money we use to pay the rent comes from Tug's 15th of the month paystub, and just sits in our account until it is due on the first so, though I already deduct it from my check ledger, that 'extra' money is there. Since I couldn't verify my bank account stuff without my internet I just paid it again via credit card over the phone. Once the internet was back up I checked my account and, sure enough, there is plenty of money in it but there is also no Charter deduction. Best I can figure is I entered a number wrong since each time you have to re-enter your check account # and the bank routing # (but neither the guy on the phone nor Charter online will show me the numbers I entered). Annoying.

Making myself laugh
2:49 PM
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Labels: knit
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I've been
spending wasting the past couple of days getting reacquainted with an old friend. It's been a long time snood snooderama, I'm glad you are back in my life!
Making myself laugh
8:25 AM
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
To shun-WoW Week 4
to avoid deliberately and especially habitually (as taken from merriam-webster dictionary)
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9:04 AM
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Labels: WoW
Monday, March 24, 2008
Multnomah Falls

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9:38 AM
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Happy Easter! We went to a friend's house for dinner and had a great time. Hope you all had just as wonderful of a day.
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9:31 AM
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Friday, March 21, 2008
Big Sissy
My big (and only) sister is in town visiting—it is her first time here. To make it cheaper she flew into Portland and we went and retrieved her. She had seen somewhere something about Multnomah Falls and asked if we could go so we did. I planned on uploading some pictures but blogger isn't letting me—anyone else having this problem? Annoying I tell you.
Making myself laugh
10:42 PM
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
Um, could you help me? I know you are busy and the girls think it is fun to come and entertain me in my crib while I wait for you but this morning they took it a step further. Now I can't get them to leave me alone. Mom. Mmooommm, oh there you are. It's about time you know, I've been crying for awhile.

Making myself laugh
8:17 AM
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Week 3
Woo-hoo, almost a month down ladies! Good job!!
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8:53 AM
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Labels: WoW
Forget the easy button
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8:44 AM
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tax Rebate
Want to know how big your 'economic stimulus' check will be? Grab your 2007 tax return and head over to
Making myself laugh
8:53 AM
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Southern Drawl
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7:58 AM
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Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day
Here are a few pics from our day. Hope you guys had as much fun as we did.
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9:55 PM
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I have a mom. What's that? Oh, you have one too! Wow, we have so much in common.
Making myself laugh
8:39 AM
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Not it
So, Jessica didn't actually tag me for this meme but I have nothing to talk about today so I am going to do the meme anyway.
Making myself laugh
1:12 PM
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Making myself laugh
10:57 AM
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Blarney Stones
I thought I would share this fun St. Patrick's Day craft—making Blarney stones. They have to dry out for several days so if you want in on the action you better start soon.

Making myself laugh
9:25 AM
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Call me coach
I received a call last night that Sugar's soccer team needed a coach. Apparently the parent who was the coach last season had declined to coach again (he might be out of town for work a lot and didn't want to commit since his schedule is somewhat up in the air) but the soccer coordinator didn't know that so she was trying to fill the slot at the last minute. Sucker that I am I hesitantly said yes. Something like "If you can't find anyone else call me back..." I got a call back. Luckily I know the game (played from age 8-22ish) but it has been years and 4 kids since I've truly played. Also I don't like 'teaching' or being in front of people, even kids (just ask our Little Flowers coordinator). So I am now the soccer coach for Sugar's team. Well, I should say Sugar and Boo since I was able to move Boo up from Kinder league to U-8.
Making myself laugh
9:04 PM
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Week 2
Do I really have to update?
Making myself laugh
8:31 AM
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Labels: WoW
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
First Attempt: Tie floss to looseish tooth. Tie other end of floss to fan blade. Turn fan blade on. Fan spins slightly, jerks child's head, then stops. Tooth still firmly in place.

Making myself laugh
4:58 PM
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
Around Here
In my attempt to continue exercising, I put SP in the backpack and went for a walk. I thought I would share some of what I saw. Now, we live in a boring house in a boring subdivision but just down the street it turns rural. Don't worry, there are only 8 pictures.
Making myself laugh
11:50 PM
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Saturday, March 8, 2008
One of my WoW goals for this week is to exercise 4 days for at least 30 minutes. Last week I didn't exercise at all and lost 3.6. This week I have exercised EVERY day and I have gained .6!! ARGH. My eating has been the same (aside from Thurs. night, but Fri. morning I was still down a pound). I have come to the conclusion that exercise is over-rated. Naps are what is needed—or to stop weighing myself 3x/day.
Making myself laugh
11:37 AM
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Friday, March 7, 2008
Mein Kampf
I remember recently reading a lot of news from Germany regarding homeschooling and not allowing it. Turns out they speak German in California--where is the Governator from again?
Making myself laugh
9:39 AM
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Thursday, March 6, 2008
Fresh Air
We have had nice weather for the past few days and today I finally let the kids out.

Making myself laugh
12:31 PM
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Come home
And, before you ask, yes it's all true...
H/T: mommylife
Making myself laugh
3:12 PM
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Zippity doo da

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8:15 AM
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Week 1
We are off and running. Well, I wasn't running but some of you may have been. This past week was decent. I was making better choices but not a completely clean week. Exercise was non-existent. The first day I did the treadmill but the second day I couldn't move my neck so the rest of the week I did nothing. Fortunately this is the stage where if you just change a little you will get at least some results (especially since last Tues. night I had pizza for dinner then went to DQ for a large DP and a waffle bowl turtle sundae). I had ZERO Dr. Pepper this week-a victory in itself!
Making myself laugh
7:58 AM
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Labels: WoW
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
And now for some sad news
Tug just came out of his 'office' and asked if I had checked today. Nope I said so I went to go look. OH NO, say it isn't so Favre! My Brett is retiring. This makes me so sad. I love Brett. Tug said maybe he will get a sportscaster gig but that isn't the Brett I love. I don't like Brett Favre the man. I didn't like Something About Mary cuz he was in it. I love Brett Favre the football player. I don't even like pro football, but I like me Brett. ::sniff, sniff::
Making myself laugh
12:08 PM
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Not on Channel 1
In could be cool news:
Making myself laugh
10:51 AM
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It's her birthday
And she'll cry if she wants to
Making myself laugh
8:25 AM
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Monday, March 3, 2008
I cannot be trusted
I have a sister-in-law. Technically I have 3; however, there is but one who is a royal pain in my arse. I am not going to mention names, but she knows who she is. If you've read this blog for any length of time you probably know who she is too. As per usual she needed computer help today (she often needs computer help and will call me for it even though we live thousands of miles apart—I like feeling needed). She had previously signed up for sitemeter but it wasn't showing up on her blog and she didn't know why (fyi, I only have one sis-in-law with a blog). I was busy schooling the kids so:
R: Just give me your sitemeter password and I will look at it later.
H (for Her): Well, I tried it before but I don't know why it isn't there. I will just look again.
R: I can do it later but you have to look at sitemeter first. Just give me the password.
H: (I don't remember the actual asinine comment but it was just as silly) Oh look, the sky is blue.
R: OK George Costanza, if you don't want to give me your password you don't have to.
H: laugh, laugh, laugh
R: You are really holding out on me. I can't believe you won't give it to me. ::Huff::
Then she had the audacity to say
H: You can't be trusted.
I have babysat her kids numerous times. I am listed as the person to raise her kids if she dies. I have birthed her favorite nieces and nephew {the validity of those last 2 statements can and should be questioned}. And yet I can't be trusted with a simple silly sitemeter password. Whatever!
The story continues later in the afternoon when, like a beat dog, I call her and say if she has the time I can now walk her through the process. She goes to her computer, tries to log in and has an invalid password. Justice!
Making myself laugh
2:09 PM
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