For the past several months Tug and I have joked that our backup plan should he lose his job (or take a severe pay cut, or we decide this area is just way too expensive) is to move "home" with my mom. Home for her is El Paso, TX. Tug calls it north Mexico.
Of course this isn't really what we would want to do. I grew up in El Paso and NO WAY IN HELL do I ever want to go back there. Joke's on me though because guess which city was just ranked by Forbes as the #1 city where Americans are getting richer. According to the article, good old north Juarez is the city where incomes for educated workers are growing fastest. Of course if you actually read the article you see that the median pay rose by 19.4%. NINETEEN POINT FOUR PERCENT. . . huge jump—all the way up to a whopping $49, 100. Guess we will be staying put after all!
So sad to be missing out on the amazing scenery!

Oh, speaking of my mom. . . mom, we got more boxes, though we are still missing 2.
9 people are laughing with me:
MN ain't so'd already have a built-in group of friends...Catholic, even...
Those were some pretty views!
I think you should move back to ABQ. Just sayin'.
Oh, and excited to see a new post. :)
What's in that second picture? Abandoned tanks?
OH - MY - GOODNESS!!! I thought that you were gonna say that you WERE moving back to NM! HOLY COW - that was tricky you little trickster!!
I will be visiting the big hip happening town of North Juarez tomorrow. I dont think I would mind you moving back to EP, at least there I could come visit for a weekend. I am with the Wades you should move back to NM (even though EP could also be considered southern NM). Hope everyone has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
and Double-Brat since you won AGAIN in lexulous.
Be sure and watch the Sun Bowl game on thursday 12/31/09. You will be able to see parts of El Paso, let the kids see Cristo Rey. The sun city might have a White Christmas. El Paso is really a nice and sort of beautiful city, specially with our mountains
i don't looks like some really exciting adventures could take place in that desert...
have a blessed Christmas, sweet r.
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