And nary a day has passed since October 31st that I have not had a piece of candy. ummmm.
In other news, for those who saw the devastation post, devastation has been postponed. {r}'s coach has decided to keep her until at least December. We will re-evaluate then and she will either stay pre-team or move back to rec. I think her coach forgot she is 7 when she said to move her back down (well, her coach said she forgot she was 7 when she said to move her back down). Compared to their cousins, my kids are shrimps. Compared to others in her gymnastics class, {r} is a giant and her coach thought she was older. So for now, all is right in the household.
6 people are laughing with me:
well, not *always* boring ;0)
Wonder where you heard that.
R, you're precious. Congrats on all your athletic accomplishments. I predicted this since you were young. :) Love you
Glad to hear things are looking up for gymnastics. I've got you beat - I've had at least two pieces of candy every day.
That is awesome R. Great job. love you. Big R pictures are always great!!!
Yeah! Back handspring! Tuck jump! Round-off!! (I just did all that in my kitchen in celebration for you!! heehee)
Great Job Guera, very proud of you. Keep practicing your pull up on that bar -- you will get there.
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