i guess i need a new header:
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Making myself laugh
8:49 AM
people are laughing with me
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
hello out there
just thought i'd say hi
Making myself laugh
11:47 PM
people are laughing with me
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Gymnastics check in
whoooo hooo, the season has kicked into gear. . . are you excited?
Making myself laugh
9:18 PM
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
First 'real' meet
{r} had her first swim meet this weekend (this summer was a just for fun league, this is real swim team now). She swam the 25 free, 25 back, 50 free, the free leg of the 200 medley (so another 50 free) and a leg of the 200 free relay (another 50 free). She didn't win any of the races but she was pretty close in all which i hear is pretty good for her first time. When watching the videos, i realized her starts were awesome. . . now she just needs to perfect the stroke and she would zoooom to victory.

Making myself laugh
4:43 PM
1 person is laughing with me
video of meet
technically, i know nothing about swimming. here is {r}s 25 free--in my untechnical opinion, she needs to not twist her body so much while swimming. there are times you can see the side of her leg, when you should only be able to see her butt, i think. she is in the closest lane, aside from the boy in the closest, closest lane. they don't swim against boys, he was just the only boy for that event so they combined the events to make the meet go more quickly.
Making myself laugh
2:02 PM
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Friday, December 3, 2010
is this thing on?
Making myself laugh
12:12 AM
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Monday, November 8, 2010
7 nov 10 gymnastics meet
Lucky for you guys there isn't another meet until next year. {l} went up in score on each event except vault, but she was doing a harder vault (with an extra 8" mat, so we can't really compare those scores). On floor, her coach asked {l} if she wanted her to go out on the mat during the back handspring. {l} said sure, but didn't realize it was a 0.5 point deduction. Had she actually touched {l} and given her a spot it would have been a full point.
Making myself laugh
10:16 AM
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